If you are responsible for generating your own insurance leads, or if you are responsible for marketing at your agency, then you might be asking yourself:

“How do insurance agents get leads?”

Great question! Because leads are essential to your insurance business.

The short answer is, insurance agents get leads through:

  1. Marketing designed to generate leads
  2. Purchasing leads from providers (who perform the marketing campaigns to generate the leads)

Today we will provide a more detailed answer to the question, “How do insurance agents get leads?” by sharing insurance marketing strategies that you can use to get leads from:

  • Your Website: Strategy to build your own pipeline of exclusive leads
  • SEO: Tactics to generate leads at the lowest cost
  • Live Chat or Chatbots: Proper implementation increasing conversions by 40%
  • Facebook: Free methods and low cost ad campaigns
  • Twitter: Free methods and low cost ad campaigns
  • Leadsurance: Done-for-you professional lead generation

It is most cost effective to generate your own leads as an insurance agent and cut out the provider’s costs and margin added to their leads.

However, this requires time, interest, and expertise in learning marketing technology as well as planning and implementing the campaigns. Then collecting data and optimizing the campaigns.

So, whether buying leads or doing your own insurance marketing, generating insurance leads will cost you time and money.

As an essential function in your business, your goal should be to optimize lead generation over time minimizing costs and maximizing quantity and quality of leads generated.

Want more leads? Implement our 16 steps to SEO for insurance agents to build a steady pipeline of inbound leads.

Marketing Your Insurance Agency to Get Leads

The ultimate goal should be to implement your own marketing and lead generation process. This approach minimizes your expenses by cutting out the margins that lead gen providers adding to their costs.

By implementing your own marketing you also introduce your brand to leads and have better control over the leads you generate increasing their quality.

Plus you will be investing in long-term assets for your brand that will continue to generate ROI for your business for years to come.

But the #1 reason you should generate your own insurance leads through marketing is to build better relationships and develop your own pipeline of exclusive insurance leads.

Buying leads from a provider that hasn’t introduced your brand to the leads AND is also selling the same shared lead to other agents is only going to bring you frustration… even if you do make a sale.

Let’s discuss some of the lowest cost, quickest, and most effective insurance marketing strategies to generate leads with.

Website Lead Generation to Build an Exclusive Pipeline

How do Insurance Agents Get Leads - 1 through their website

An insurance agency website is the best source of leads for agents. That said, website lead generation requires a larger time and financial investment to set up and manage than other methods.

Hopefully, you already have a website for your insurance agency but if not, keep focusing on lower cost lead generation tactics until you can afford a website.

That said you can also set up your own website for a very low cost but if it won’t be a high-quality website it may not be worth your time or money.

You are ready to invest in a website when you can offer a fast site that doesn’t go down, has a strategic design that is pleasant, offers simple navigation, clear help/contact options, and most importantly, a clear call to action to generate leads. This is most commonly a “Get Quote” form, or offer, somewhere on the site.

Action Plan:
  • Get bids from reputable web design companies that include mockups, design goals, and performance benchmarks
  • Hire a quality web designer and engage in design and launch process
  • Test website for responsiveness on different devices and screen sizes (mobile, tablet, desktop)
  • Test your site’s performance using GTMetrix and hire developer to improve the areas where your site scores low
  • Hire technical marketers to optimize your Call to Action to make sure you are converting the most visitors into leads
  • Install traffic and user behavior tracking software to analyze your visitors and maintain and optimize your broker website

Implementing this action plan will help increase both traffic to your site as well as conversions generating many leads. However, this process can take some time and should be viewed as a long term investment and not a “quick” or “one-time” marketing campaign.

SEO Strategies to Generate High Quality Low Cost Leads


Perform strategic keyword research to know exactly what your prospects are typing into Google. Additionally, analyze exactly how much traffic you can expect from specific keywords.

With this information, you will know exactly what type of content to create on your blog and which keywords to use in your content.

By publishing and optimizing content for search queries you will start ranking for keywords in Google and getting targeted traffic to your site to convert to leads.

Action Plan:
  • Learn to do keyword research or hire someone to do it for you
  • Hire a quality graphic designer who creates engaging designs that convey your brand well
  • Hire a quality writer with experience in insurance or start publishing your own insurance blog content targeting your keywords twice per month
  • Setup Google Analytics to track your website traffic and measure the results of your SEO efforts

SEO is also a long term strategy and investment. That said, over time SEO will generate leads at the lowest cost while building up a predictable pipeline of leads and revenue for your business.

Chatbot for 40% Higher conversions


Once you have a website set up and you are performing SEO keyword research and creating optimized content you will be getting targeted traffic.

At this point, you need to be able to convert this traffic into qualified insurance leads. Having help available 24/7 or at least during business hours on your website will help bring up your conversion rates by around 40% on average!

But only if the live chat, or chatbot, is implemented and managed properly. Otherwise, it will just be costly and ineffective.

A couple of tips for implementing live chat are to use the iOS and Android apps so that you can get notifications and chat with visitors from your phone.

Also, consider hiring chat agents or a chatbot developer that you can train to chat with your visitors to help you when you and your staff aren’t available.

Action Plan:
  • Research and set up the best live chat or insurance chatbot solution for your needs and budget
  • Configure “triggers” or “greetings” to send the first message to your visitors and engage them in conversation
  • Make sure to have staff available to chat with visitors
  • Help your visitors with service, information, quotes and offer them value
  • Politely capture their name/email/phone and offer to have a licensed agent follow up with them

If you follow this plan then you will see immediate results and can expect to see higher conversions on your website bringing in more leads. Also, you can expect higher lead quality with better lead data and a stronger connection making for a warmer outreach.

Free Facebook Lead Generation Tactics to Get Started

Facebook is a great platform for generating insurance leads. It is lower cost than Google Adwords to run a Facebook advertising campaign and much easier to set up and manage.

Additionally, you do not even need to invest in ads to generate leads. Some of the best ways to get leads from Facebook are free.

Action Plan:
  • Start with creating a Facebook page for your business
  • Share helpful content once per week, you can find images and quotes from other insurance agents and companies to share or create your own
  • Use keywords your customers would search as “hashtags” for example: #LifeHappens to gain targeted exposure
  • Also share images, videos, and messages consistent with your brand and shares the service and work you offer to your clients
  • Like your target customer’s pages by finding organizations on Facebook that you’d like to sell too

If you implement the action plan above then you can expect to start getting visibility to your Facebook page and posts as well as traffic to your website if you are linking to it in your posts or on your page.

This traffic will lead to Facebook messages with questions from prospects as well as conversions on your website.

Free Twitter Lead Generation Tactics to Get Started

Twitter is also cheaper and easier than Adwords to create ads on. But, similar to Facebook, start by focusing on organic traffic and not spending on ads.

Many insurance agents are using Twitter to connect with potential prospects, driving them into their lead funnels and converting them into qualified insurance leads.

If you are going to start marketing on Facebook then it will be easy to duplicate your efforts on Twitter to gain more reach and drive more leads.

Action Plan:
  • Create a twitter profile for your business, it just takes a minute
  • Share the same type of helpful content you are already sharing on Facebook, on your twitter also
  • There are plenty of social sharing tools out there to help you share your content to both platforms from one app to help save you time
  • Follow your target customer by following twitter accounts you would like to sell too

Implementing the above plan will lead to direct messages on twitter from prospects as well as targeted traffic to your website if you include links in your posts and on your profile.



Leadsurance is not like traditional insurance lead providers. We do not sell batches of leads, or shared leads, to insurance agents.

We offer a managed marketing platform for insurance agencies and implement SEO and content marketing to generate exclusive leads for each of our clients.

Leadsurance is a done-for-you insurance lead generation platform that takes care of:

  • Social media marketing
  • Keyword research
  • SEO
  • Blogging
  • Content marketing campaigns
  • Website design
  • Premium Hosting
  • 24/7 live chat or chatbot to insurance quote

What we sell is a marketing and lead generation platform for insurance agents where we provide and manage the technology, create the content and help you research and target your market.

Our solution provides 24/7 live chat services on your website where we engage your visitors and offer instant quoting in order to convert more leads. And of course, we send these new leads to you in real time so you can follow up timely.

Our solution is the most cost effective, produces the highest ROI, and pleases your customers the most.

Action Plan:
  • Get a Leadsurance Demo to see exactly how we can generate leads for your agency
  • Onboard with your dedicated account manager
  • Enjoy targeted marketing campaigns done-for-you
  • Get real-time notifications to your favorite devices each time we capture a lead for you
  • Check on your website, campaign, and lead data 24/7 in the cloud and export to your CRM

As part of the Leadsurance family, you can expect to save time and money building a predictable pipeline of exclusive insurance leads for your business through SEO, content marketing, and 24/7 chat to lead services.

Stop asking how do insurance agents get leads?

So, now you can stop asking,

“How do insurance agents get leads” and you can start getting leads for your insurance business.

If you aren’t sure where to start or have a low budget then consider starting with the free lead generation strategies you can try on Facebook and Twitter.

If you have a budget then consider investing it in your website, SEO, content, and live chat to generate more leads.

Alternatively, if you have a budget and don’t want to manage vendors and technology yourself then let Leadsurance handle your insurance marketing and lead generation for you.

Get a demo to see exactly how we can help your business.

As always, please share any comments or ask any questions in the comments section below!

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