Ok insurance agents and brokers, let’s set a goal.

During 2020, we are going to check off anything we can’t already check off from the following insurance marketing checklist.

Many of these insurance marketing tasks/strategies you have heard of but likely have put off or not made time to get around to doing.

So, set aside some time and commit to doing these things.

They will pay you in dividends one day.

Once you have these items checked off your list, make sure you’ve checked out our list of 132 insurance marketing ideas and implemented these 16 steps to improve your SEO.

1. Invest In Content Marketing

Words get people’s attention. Here is proof.

"Don'ts" in online marketing for insurance agencies

That is also proof that you want to be careful with your words!

When you invest in content marketing, you aren’t just trying to attract people who don’t have insurance yet.

You are also keeping your current clients informed about their options because you never know when they might need more insurance.

Through content marketing, you can show you are an authority figure that is serious about providing affordable cover.

And when clients trust in the information you provide, you can expect to get a lot more signatures. Plus, consistent relevant content keeps you top of mind making your client’s more likely to refer someone your way.

Implementing Content Marketing:

  • Develop a strategy for your content: Know who your target is and what your message is as well as the channels to distribute on.
  • Create valuable engaging content: Hire a designer for the graphics you need and a copy writer if you aren’t comfortable writing the content yourself.
  • Distribute your content: With a planned distribution channel in mind you should start distributing your content to reach as much of your target audience as possible.

If you still aren’t sold on investing in content marketing then read this post on why you need branded content in your insurance marketing strategy.

It will produce exclusive leads at the lowest cost, so make it a point to invest in content marketing during 2020.

Bonus: Download the top 126 Life Insurance Keywords to use in your content marketing campaigns!

Now, let’s talk about the two biggest content marketing opportunities for your insurance agency, blogging, and social media – well you could also consider email marketing right there with them but we tackle that in another post. – well you could also consider email marketing right there with them but we tackle that in another post..

2. Start a Blog or Post More Often

Small businesses with blogs get 126% more lead growth than small businesses without.

Ignoring this stat moving forward is going to hinder your insurance agency’s ability to survive and grow.

Maybe you have a blog already but you haven’t been posting weekly.

If that is the case, then try to meet the following goals.

Goals for blogging:

  • One blog post per week – Mix up some local and company announcements with educational insurance content
  • 500 words minimum – Anything shorter would be considered thin by Google, the longer the better if you aren’t sacrificing quality for quantity.

Tip: Try Unsplash for awesome free images to use in your posts.

Also, checkout these 29 insurance blog topic ideas.

If you don’t have a blog yet, then implement a blog and start posting once per week.

I recommend WordPress. I’ve seen success with hundreds of WordPress blogs and it is the most used CMS on the internet.

In my experience, WordPress is easier to implement and manage than Drupal or Joomla and far more powerful than any web-based site builders like Weebly or Webs.

Most importantly, WordPress performs great when optimized.

If you need help with your blog, we also offer blogging services for insurance agents.

3. Utilize Social Media Platforms

It is safe to assume most people with a smartphone, tablet, or computer engage on some type of social media platform.

My parents are 63 and 65, not tech savvy at all, and they use Facebook and Pinterest.

The question is are you using social media to kill some time when you are relaxing, or are you using it to stimulate growth for your business?

If you haven’t considered the latter yet, don’t put it off any longer. Because there are many clients waiting for you if you approach them right.

In fact, simply being present on these channels will increase your brand’s exposure.

Just having a nice optimized profile with updated contact information can go a long way, like a few extra leads throughout the year.

Taking the time to post relevant, trending, and helpful content over time will snowball and create a steady inbound pipeline of leads.

As an insurance agent, you need to be unique to stand out from the thousands of competitors on social media.

I see many agents that simply re-share content from insurance carriers or post too much “salesy” promotional content.

Another mistake I see agents make is that they only focus on posting “boring” information strictly related to insurance.

No offense! I studied Accounting and MIS and have always been a tech nerd. So, I am familiar with people’s eyes glazing over when I discuss my expertise.

Keep in mind that you are dealing with a “relaxing” environment, meaning nobody wants to read boring insurance information.

With that being said, don’t get so edgy with your content that you regret it.

Use an Insurance Marketing Checklist to Review Your Ideas

The following tips will give you some good ideas for different types of content to share.

Tips for Social Media:

  • Share some content that has nothing to do with insurance, but everything to do with your audience. Ie: if you sell homeowners insurance, share tips for homeowners.
  • Share insurance content that is relevant and interesting while avoiding being “salesy”.
  • Share a mix of other organization’s content alongside your own branded posts to build authority. Ie: relevant articles from a trade journal and a graphic with an insurance statistic that is branded.
  • Ask interesting questions and responding to the answers you get. This is great during big events like the Superbowl, ask people who they are cheering on.
  • Establish an engaging or fun ‘poll’. Depending on your goals, you may want to create a poll that is designed to generate leads or focus on something that is simply fun and engaging to increase brand exposure and trust.
  • Use high quality images and emojis to help spruce up plain text and draw more attention.
  • Schedule holiday posts, you definitely want to keep in touch with your clients and followers during the holidays.

In general, don’t make your audience feel like what they are reading or doing is boring or tedious.

For more social media tips, we also wrote this short guide on how to implement social media for insurance companies.

4. Audit Your Brand and Business Info

The golden rule of a successful business branding is to be consistent, whether it happens online or offline.

More specifically, you want to maintain consistent logos and brand messaging across platforms while also keeping up with your contact info and the posts you make on different sites.

But simply uploading a logo, post, photo or two and never updating your contact info or coming back to the site is just a waste of energy.

Track your posts, add some more posts over time, and ensure that the information you provide on your business profiles is consistent across all of your online profiles.

However, being consistent doesn’t stop with coming back to your posts and keeping the information the same across all boards.

You also want to focus on the client experience and whether they will be provided with correct contact info for the most optimal channel, regardless of the platform where they find you.

This means consistent messaging, branding, and offerings as well as clear contact information and the best options for getting in touch.

In 2020, audit your online profiles and any ads or mailers you are sending and make sure your contact details are the most recent and updated along with logos, branding and messaging.

Pro Tip: Include your website URL everywhere too, this drives “offline” traffic to your site improving your authority and SEO.

Also, the more options you can provide to get in contact with you, the better.

So, try offering an optimal insurance website design with multiple and clear contact channels to convenience your customers, such as:

  • Phone
  • Website Form(s)
  • Email
  • Social Media Profiles
  • SMS Text
  • Live Chat
  • Facebook Messenger

You also want to share links to your online business profiles so you can garner more online reviews.

Using This Insurance Marketing Checklist

I did my part.

I gave you an insurance marketing checklist of tasks you should check off in 2020.

Now it is your turn.

It is time to start using this insurance marketing checklist to generate more leads for your business.

In the comments below, tell me which marketing task you are going to check off first for your insurance agency.

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