“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”
-Mark Twain
Most of us are familiar with Mark Twain and his writings.
Something tells me that if he was living today, he’d be a unicorn at blogging and content marketing.
So, let’s keep his wisdom in mind today as we talk about some insurance blog topics.
In reality, these are great blog content ideas for businesses of many kinds but these ideas are all great for insurance agencies specifically.
Let’s consider one more quote before we get started, this time it comes from one of our insurance friends who is more relevant to today’s marketing landscape for insurance agents than Mark Twain.
I am an independent insurance agent in the Kansas City Metro area. Most people associate insurance as a boring topic. For the average person it is. I’ve been able to take insurance topics and make them fun and educating.
-Brandon Tritten, jblbinsurance.com
Short Informational Videos
Video content is surpassing written content in terms of what is getting viewed most online.
Consumers love watching short informational videos as opposed to reading articles because it is more entertaining and easier for them to consume the information.
Consider setting up a YouTube channel and posting short informational videos that teach consumers about insurance and the options they have. You can also embed these videos onto your blog and share them on your social channels.
Here is an example of a short informational video about insurance blogging!
Intro Video
As an insurance agent, your primary goal is to build brand trust.
Modern customers crave authenticity, so it’s important to stay transparent.
One content idea that works well for most independent agents is to create a short introduction video, featuring the business owner explaining their “elevator pitch” high lighting their unique value offering.
This way, you kill two birds with one stone: you create an authentic brand and build trust.
The last thing to remember: No one is going to buy from a brand they don’t trust.
Mission Statement, Your “Why”
Similar to an intro video, every business website should have at least one piece of content about why they started their business.
This content is best when it’s in the form of a video because it makes the experience more personal. It can also be written out in the form of a blog post or a mix of both.
This helps your audience get to know your brand and mission on a more relatable level.
If in the form of video, the user gets to see and hear you explain your business which can ultimately create more trust.
This insurance blog topics idea comes from Bri Witt at Digital Nomad Designs.
The Next Big Deadline
Your insurance agency has lots of seasonal content opportunities thanks to the ebb and flow of important deadlines that affect the insurance industry.
Open enrollment windows, tax season – you have tons of events scheduled well in advance by the government. Plan out useful content that you can prepare in advance and publish at the most appropriate time.
You can also generate useful deadline-related content for individual clients. While blog publishing is probably not the right venue for such content, a well-automated email campaign can deliver this material to the rights clients at the right time.
Reminding your clients of important due dates and times they need to take action to maintain their coverage is important.
How To Articles
“How To” articles and those that focus around tips are great choices for blog content that can help reach your target audience.
In the insurance industry, reviews, roundups, and comparisons can also help. Writing a review or a comparison about “Mutual of Omaha” life insurance would be a great insurance blog topic.
You can also do some research on what topics are trending in your industry, and focus your blog content around those. Take an authoritative approach in your blogs and make sure they’re relevant to the audience you’re looking to target to gain the most from them.
This insurance blogging tip comes from Monica Sirignano at Big Gorilla Design.
Helpful Tips
If you sell homeowners insurance then sharing helpful tips for homeowners is a great way to get in front of homeowners who may need a homeowners insurance policy.
For auto insurance, share tips about car maintenance and other auto-related information. For Life insurance, you can share tips about saving for college, planning for retirement, and how to plan and prepare for unexpected life events.
It doesn’t matter what type of insurance you sell. Think about your target audience and the things they are going to insure:
- A car
- A house
- A family
With these things in mind, start sharing helpful tips for these audiences. Informing and helping people through content is one of the best ways to engage and build trust to convert more leads.
Local Reviews
Independent agencies and agents targeting a local region can reach, engage, and connect with local prospects by reviewing other local businesses.
A restaurant review, for example, can bring in traffic to your website although it may not be high converting traffic it is still targeted if it is local.
This means that the person reading the review is likely to remember your agency at some point in the future when they aren’t searching for restaurant reviews but rather a local insurance agent.
Each blog post must target relevant local keywords in my area to draw traffic. One tip is to include the physical addresses or better yet, link to other local businesses in your niche.
This sends a strong signal to Google that your page focuses in a geographical area. The next step is to internally link similar pages to further boost local niche relevancy. Just by doing this will help you rise on top of your competitors who aren’t SEO savvy.
Reviewing other local businesses is a great way to encourage more online reviews for your agency.
This insurance blog topic idea comes from Jimmy Chan at Pixelicious.
Ask Customers
Your customers are the best source to ask, “what would you like to read about on my blog”.
It sounds so simple but literally asking your customers in an email, on social media, or through a survey can lead to some great blog content ideas for your business.
You could provide a small incentive like a $10 Amazon gift card giveaway in order to solicit feedback around which topics are most important to your audience.
Try creating a Facebook Poll to ask your followers, sending out an email, or posting a survey form on your website to ask your customers what they’d like to read on your blog.
The best way to start writing about a particular blog or infographic idea is with research. Ask yourself and your peers what questions or problems that the business you are looking to target is trying to solve.
Once you have answered that question, the next step is to identify correlating statistics that can illustrate your point.
People understand pictures and numbers better than they do words. Putting the two together will show that you have the wherewithal to provide value to your audience.
Once you have identified the key factors in relation to your blog idea, start writing and designing.
This insurance blog tip comes from Steven Azizi at Miracle Mile Law Group.
It is important when creating an infographic that the content topic is interesting.
This seems pretty obvious, but it cannot be underscored enough that the infographic will fail to engage users unless the topic is interesting to the website readership.
I like to scope out infographics that my competitors are using to see what good ideas resonate with me. Then I begin to frame the idea of my infographic while trying to keep my website audience in mind.
When we begin designing the infographic I am careful to instruct the designer to graphically ‘show’ the audience, rather than merely use words that ‘tell’ the audience with too many blocks of text.
I advise the graphic designer to keep the design simple and break up the pieces of the story into segments that can be easily digested at a glance.
This is how you create a winning infographic on any insurance blog topic.
This insurance blog content idea comes from David Reischer at LegalAdvice.com.
Interview Clients
If you have a really great client relationship with one of your policyholders, then you should consider interviewing the client.
Having a conversation with a client and discussing insurance and the various services that you’ve provided to them is a fantastic way to show potential policyholders exactly how your agency will help them.
Your prospects would much rather hear from one of your clients about how you help, rather than hear you directly promote your services.
Describe how the client was struggling with a specific issue and how the company’s services helped the client solve it. Also, explain what were the end results and how much benefit (Try to put a dollar value) did the client achieve after using the insurance agent’s services.
Interviewing a client and sharing their success story on your blog is a fantastic way to improve your online reputation.
Behind the Scenes (A day in the life of)
Get personal with your clients by showing them around your office or sharing pictures of you working throughout the day.
This type of content is best suited to attract an audience who have heard about your company but don’t exactly know what you do. It serves as a great way to connect with customers and help them understand how your company functions.
When people see that you and your business are real it will immediately build trust with them.
Federal Holidays
This year includes 14 federal holidays, although your community and agency might not observe all of them. But whether or not you’re going to work, each holiday gives you an opportunity to publish themed content.
There are plenty of logical links between specific holidays and insurance and safety topics. The Fourth of July, for example, is the perfect time to schedule a blog post on the subject of fireworks safety.
Other Holidays and Events
Just like federal holidays, there are many holidays worth considering for writing about on your blog.
These other holidays could be things like:
- April Fools Day
- Ground hog day
- Small Business Saturday
- Spring Break
- Summer Vacation
- Super Bowl Sunday
- Tax Day
Since these holidays and events will be trending on those days, you can tap into the conversation.
Searcher Intent
Rather than drafting your content around unique events like April Fools Day, focus on content ideas that match the searcher intent instead.
There is already an overwhelming plethora of useful and useless content on the internet, which means your content needs to be unique, interesting, and engaging.
You can still write your blog articles around a certain keyword, but try to match the searcher intent around that keyword. Serious customers aren’t looking for another “Why You Need Life Insurance” article; instead, they’re searching for an article on the “How to choose a term life insurance policy.”
Take some time to do some research and put yourself in the shoes of your customer, try to figure out what answers they’re searching for.
This insurance blog idea comes from Niles Koenigsberg at FiG Advertising
Promote Local Events
In addition to reviewing other local businesses to attract local traffic, you can promote local events.
If you have local keywords that you’d like to rank for, then writing blog posts are always a good idea because Google can crawl text in these posts versus an infographic or video.
Creating posts about how to prepare for holidays locally whether in terms of participating in community events or marketing your business can be excellent ways to gain local attention through Google search.
For example, if your community goes all out for Small Business Week or Small Business Saturday, you can write a post for your business blog on what your town is doing, how your business will be participating, and where people can celebrate.
If you write your post well and thoroughly, and include relevant keywords like your town name, the holiday, and other pertinent information, you’ll have a shot at ranking on Google, especially if you do your research and see what other posts that rank for that keyword are doing well that you can do better.
Again, promoting a local event is a great way to get in front of your local audience and stay top of mind. Your goal isn’t to sell your services in this content, just to get attention, remain top of mind, and help your audience by informing them of the local event.
Doing this will help you reach more of your local audience, stay top of mind, build trust, and when the timing is right to convert more leads.
This insurance blog topic idea was brought to us by Nicolas from Fundera.
Trending Topics
Although you want to be careful when it comes to political events, because talking politics in your marketing may not be ideal, there are many trending topics that can drive traffic to your blog and start conversations.
Here are a few categories that are usually safe to discuss and often trend in the media:
- Celebrity stories
- Upcoming Movies
- Athletes, Sports Teams, and Events
- Breaking news that is interesting but not too “serious”
- Breaking financial news
- Breaking Healthcare news
Celebrities Using Insurance
Alex Trebek promotes life insurance, you could write a blog post talking about Alex Trebek and life insurance and it would get traffic because that alone is a topic.
Seriously, each month hundreds of people search “alex trebek life insurance” and other similar phrases.
So, for this celebrity topic idea, here is how it works.
Capitalize on events where a high profile personality uses or is associated with a product you carry. If any celebrity story comes out that mentions an insurance product or carrier, consider writing a blog post about it.
Quickly putting together a post on a viral topic like this can get a fast top ranking on Google and drive some good traffic to your website.
Answering FAQs
This is an excellent well for generating evergreen content. These answers can go well beyond your blog; the same content can do well in videos or printed materials distributed to prospects and new clients. Get the ground-level perspective by asking your agents which questions they answer most often for clients.
Pick your distribution channels for this content based on what is most effective and convenient for your clients. Frequently-asked questions are content subjects that keep on giving. You can always revisit specific topics and provide new angles and greater expertise.
Repurposed Content
Did you recently send out a mailer with some statistics on it? Or did you create an informational YouTube video? What about an email campaign that you sent out to your database that explained something important like a deadline or procedure they should be aware of?
All of these types of content can be repurposed and published on your blog.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when re-purposing content for your blog:
- Don’t copy/paste exact duplicate content from other places online (Make it unique for your blog so that Google doesn’t penalize the post)
- For videos, you can use tools that will write the transcript creating a draft for your blog
- For email campaigns, since they haven’t been published online you can post these exactly as they are to your blog, in fact, I recommend posting these to your blog first and then sending out the email campaigns driving people to your site to read the full article.
Seasonal Hazards And Maintenance Tasks
As the seasons turn, your clients are presented with an ever-changing array of hazards and steps they should take to mitigate them. Seasonal blogging can make your agency more relevant and provide well-timed advice.
If your agency handles lots of life and health insurance, for instance, a timely post presenting health tips for flu season would be fitting.
If you sell homeowners insurance then you can provide a blog post sharing tips for “winterizing” your home to avoid pipes freezing etc. Or vice versa during the summertime sharing cooling tips to save on energy costs.
New Products
When changes come to the insurance industry and new policies are offered, or old policies are discontinued, blog about it.
These changes bring about a lot of Google searches where policyholders are actively searching for information and agents to help them understand these new products and policy changes.
Be the first to cover these topics and you will generate traffic and leads.
Interactive Charts
Data sells.
Given that B2B content is aimed at reaching decision makers, your business blog should be credible and provide the added value to them.
With tons of data in your pocket, you can engage the audience if tailor it to them personally: create an interactive chart where they could enter their details and get the result related to them specifically.
Sure enough, the topic and the data you’ll provide need to be relevant to their search intent. Some life insurance policyholders may want to know their life expectancy.
As you can see, using a content asset with interactive charts in it allows the reader to enter their data to get the answer to their question. This engagement garners more attention and builds more trust with the user.
Besides, consider other unconventional ways to visualize content at your blog. Maps, vox pops, flash spatial — all they drive engagement, encourage comments and shares and are great for standing out from the crowd.
This tip comes from Lesly J. Vos at Bid4Papers
Quizzes, Calculators or Assessments
Just like charting data, interactive content such as an assessment or calculator is a great way to boost conversions and increase engagement.
In fact, interactive content can generate 2x more conversions and 4-5x more pageviews than passive content, which makes it a highly effective marketing tool.
With an assessment, your visitor can learn something useful while you collect information that you can use for subsequent targeting. By using the answers a visitor has given to formulate a personalized outcome or give access to a specific page, whitepaper, course, etc… you can provide additional value.
For life insurance agents, creating a calculator for consumers to calculate how much coverage they need is a great way to get visitors engaged and convert them into leads on your insurance website.
Fun Content
Stepping out of the insurance industry box may be appropriate if it suits your clientele.
Feel free to share or create off-beat content, like:
- seasonal recipes
- ideas for homeowners and families
- lifestyle posts
- life hacks
- entertaining news posts
Just make sure you understand your audience well enough to know if your clients will find it just as interesting as your insurance insights.
Remember, you want to come across as an expert advisor and someone they trust and might like to be friends with. It is a balancing act.
Social Issues (Philanthropy / Environment)
If your insurance agency is sponsoring any organizations such as Habitat for Humanity or the Red Cross, then you should blog about these efforts.
Share photos of your team out building a habitat for humanity house!
Anything that your insurance agency is doing to better society is a great thing to share on your company blog.
Skyscraper Content
Nowadays, long-form content generally ranks highest in Google. Why?
Because it fully covers the topic and best answers the user’s search query, so Google ranks it high.
When creating long-form, Skyscraper type content, always offer a free PDF download of your content to get more email subscribers and generate more leads.
Ryan Hanley from Agency Nation is a fan of using lead magnets like PDF downloads and at UpLead, they’ve used this tactic many times to great success.
For instance, content strategist Cherie Foo explained that UpLead grew their email list by 1,000+ subscribers within a week of launching a blog post and offering PDF downloads on the post.
You can play around with the placement of your Call To Action, but we find that displaying it early on in the article works the best. We use this tactic from time to time on our own blog.
Share Employee Takeaways
People forget that there often is a lot of untapped potential in their employees as a content resource. If you have employees then use them, employees have a pulse on what is going on and are often on the frontline with clients.
You can ask them to share ideas and comment on articles with their own experience, making the content pieces a lot more personal and tailored to your policyholders.
By including your team’s insights in your content you will provide more value and build more trust.
Also, be sure to use your employee email newsletter to highlight the most important content on your blog and encourage employees give your social media presence a boost.
Customer Pain Points
When writing content you need to know what your target audience’s pain points are.
If you’re targeting different audiences, you need to address different pain points. Creating personas, listing the pain points for each of them helps you in the content you need to create in order to reach them.
Often, this information is already available within organizations. To generate ideas, talk to customer support, account managers and salespeople – anyone really that’s in touch with customers.
This tip comes from Steven van Vessum at ContentKing
Press Release or Company Announcement
The next time your insurance agency sponsors a little league baseball team, donates to a community cause, or does anything that is worthy of a company announcement, is an opportunity for a blog post.
People love working with companies that give back and are successful so making announcements about community efforts, philanthropy, or even just growth and success with hiring more employees are all welcomed announcements.
Bonus: Pro Tip
All of the ideas so far can work once you get used to blogging, but early on, you’re likely to suffer from writers’ block, or create content about things that you don’t know enough about.
I recommend saving notes, email correspondence and message threads that get created in your everyday business. These will be things that you’re an expert in and will involve topics such as frequently asked questions, and customer pain points.
These are the topics that you can write passionately about, and that can educate and inform customers and co-workers. You can even use the notes as the first draft, as long as you remove personal information or trade secrets. Your next blog post might be already half written!
Although Twain didn’t use the term “content marketing”, he was one of the greatest content marketers of his time and his wisdom remains relevant beyond technology modern day lingo.
I believe that the same thing applies when it comes to content: the difference between good content and well-optimized content is the difference between being buried on Google’s second page and ranking in top 3 positions or having 0 followers versus multiple fans sharing your content.
Content should educate and connect with your ideal audience.
You can do this by talking about current industry news, share the stories of your clients, answer common questions about your product/service, share resources that they’d find useful, and use your content to overcome internal objections.
We read and take in so much content, that above all you must be memorable.
The most impactful content taps into what their ideal client is thinking and feeling and reflects it back, while also educating them on the problem that’s frustrating them.
You position yourself as an authority and it builds connection and trust while nurturing the relationship.
In closing, the best advice I have for your content creation efforts is to be authentic. Share your knowledge and your personality with the world to build an authentic brand that people can trust.
And when the writer’s block sets in, just bookmark this list of insurance blog topics and ideas for businesses to get things started.
Which insurance blog topics have you posted recently? Let us know in the comments below.