Each month there are 170 Google search queries for “insurance lead generator”

There are thousands more for terms like “insurance leads” and “life insurance leads” etc.

Today, I want to share a little secret about these insurance lead generators and folks selling you leads.

They’re ineffective and overpriced.

You need your own insurance lead generator if you want the highest quality leads at the lowest cost.

With your own system, you can create a consistent predictable and sustainable stream of inbound leads.

Today I’m going to explain why you should build your own insurance lead generation system along with some tips for getting started.

Let’s get started by understanding the fundamental problems with buying leads from another company.

Problem 1 Shared leads

The first problem with most insurance lead generation companies is that they sell each lead to multiple insurance agents.

So, you are competing with many others to reach the buyer first.

Possibly worse, often times the consumer is frustrated when they get contacted by many agents.

So, the first reason you need your own lead gen system is to start working with exclusive leads.

Shared leads are “expensive” even though they are the cheapest available to purchase.

They end up costing you the most time and getting you the worst results.

Problem 2 Price of Exclusive Leads

So, you’re thinking, well Keller I’m only going to buy exclusive leads then.

Let’s see how much budget you have for that.

Depending on your insurance niche, these leads are going to cost $25+ each.

Although these leads convert better and won’t waste as much of your time.

They are much more expensive than the cost of generating them yourself.

Plus, the leads you generate yourself, will be even warmer than these “exclusive leads”.

Which leads me to the next problem with insurance lead generators.

Problem 3 Not Engaged With Your Brand

Whether the leads are exclusively sold to you or shared with other agents, they are almost NEVER engaged with your brand.

This means that they haven’t seen your logo, company name, profile pic, NOTHING before you call them.

So, this exclusive lead, is still a cold call.

By creating your own insurance lead generator that engages leads with your brand you will produce even warmer leads.

In fact, this is the secret to producing the warmest leads possible other than a direct referral.

Inbound leads through your own branded marketing efforts will be the easiest to work with and highest converting (right after direct referrals).

How to build your insurance lead generator

Get Leadsurance 😉 and you’re done.

Well, that is one way.

You can also do it yourself by getting started with our 16 step guide to SEO for insurance agents.

First, we start with premium hosting and data driven web design.

This will be your hub, where you actually convert most of your target market into a lead for your business.

Once we have a good website securely hosted on a high performing server that can handle traffic, we start to get traffic.

To get targeted traffic, you should create branded content and share it on social media.

This article shares some tips on branded content that will help you. Also, checkout these social media tips for insurance companies.

These two articles will help you generate traffic.

It will take some time to build up traffic but within a few months you will start to see tangible results.

With incoming traffic, you need a good instant quoting system on your site to convert the most traffic into leads.

We use our proprietary chatbot that we built to help visitors get an insurance quote.

Insurance Chatbots are Crucial for Your Insurance Lead Generator
(Click to enlarge)

There are other solutions out there. Just make sure that yours is engaging, simple to use, and quick to provide a quote.

You should not expect for this to be a quick process.

If you are currently paying for an insurance lead generator service to give you lists of leads, then you should plan 12 months to switch over to your own lead gen platform.

So, keep buying leads but ween off of them investing more into your own lead gen system over time.

By the end of a year you should have enough traffic and leads to replace your previous spend.

Obviously this all varies depending on your agency and market competition.

But in general these are the guidelines we see our clients follow with success.

Time to Build Your Insurance Lead Generator

Whether you schedule a 1 on 1 demo to see our exclusive insurance lead generation platform or build your own, the time is now!

I’ve shared with you how you can do it and we have other helpful articles here on our blog that you can read for more guidance.

So, go on and get started building your insurance lead generator today.

You can start right now by asking me any questions you have in the comments below or telling me how you plan to get started.

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