It can be tough to approach new customers when you are trying to promote something like insurance, especially in these tough times where everyone is clinging to their money due to uncertainty.

One very common direct insurance marketing tactic is to send solicitation letters to prospects offering to lower their insurance rates.

Although insurance companies leverage all sorts of strategies to reach customers, today we are going to focus on sending insurance solicitation letters.

Specifically, how you as an insurance agent can educate prospects on the benefits of having life insurance through direct mail.

Writing insurance solicitation letters is a terrific strategy to try whether you are approaching a new or existing client and it doesn’t only apply to life insurance. I receive solicitation letters even more often for my home and auto insurance policies, so use the tips we share in today’s article to send any type of insurance solicitation letter.

There is a fine line to follow when you are approaching new customers. Your company needs to market their services to obtain clients and your clients need your service. But at the same time, no one likes to be pushed into a service that they are not ready for.

So, it is invaluable to draft a professional letter and review it before sending a final copy out to the public.

Insurance Solicitation Letter Sample

In this guide, we are going to share a few great tips for writing the perfect letter as well as a few samples that you can rewrite to market your service effectively.

What Is an Insurance Solicitation Letter?

Insurance solicitation letters are basically sales letters. These letters are sent out to attract new customers or to encourage existing clients to expand their life insurance policies.

These letters can carry all sorts of information but the main goal is usually to sell an insurance policy.

Sales letters usually contain lots of information about your services. For the client, it feels like he or she is reading a discussion that contains lots of useful information, like the benefits that these policies usually have to offer.

The letters need to be written formally and they usually address the client directly.

Tips for Writing the Perfect Insurance Solicitation Letter

To make it easier for you to write a perfect letter that suits your service or policy options, you can consider the following tips:

Address the Correct Person

The insurance solicitation letter should be addressed to the right person. Adding an impersonal greeting like “dear client” will make your reader think that this is a spam letter.

Adding an incorrect name is also highly unprofessional. By using the correct information, the letter will be much more personable and effective.

Include Important Business Details

Your letter should include information about your company, such as your contact details. You can also include some of the services you might offer.

It is, however, important not to overload your client with too much information. If the letter is too long it won’t be read well. Plus, adding a little bit of mystery to your letters may encourage more engagement from your clients.

Include Client Benefits

Your letter shouldn’t be just about your company and your services. Instead of simply marketing your company, think about it from the client’s perspective. Explain how these policies will benefit your client now and in the long run.

It can also be good for your company to get a little bit more personal with existing customers. If you know someone was recently married, you might want to explain the benefits of getting life insurance for both of you. If a child was recently born, you might want to introduce an additional supporting policy such as a final will and testimony.

Discuss How Your Business Is Better Than Others

There are quite a few insurance companies out there. This letter is the perfect opportunity to explain why and how your insurance packages and company services are better than those of your competitor’s packages and solutions.

Include a Call to Action

Don’t just supply your client with information. Encourage your interested clients to make a call or ask questions.

Your letter should tell your client that you will be happy to help them should they be interested.

An Insurance Solicitation Letter Sample that Is Bound to Attract Attention

With these tips in mind, it is finally time for you to draft out the perfect solicitation letter.

Sample Letter for New Clients

Here is a quick look at a great marketing sales letter to copy or use if you want to introduce your company and policies to a specific potential customer.


_____________ (Name and details of sender)



Date ___________ (letter date of issue)


_____________ (Name and details of recipient)



Dear _____________. (Name of recipient)

At _________________ (company name) we provide life insurance packages for all. Our policies include low premiums and flexible payment dates to suit your lifestyle to perfection.

We assure timely payouts of insurance policies without any hassles or delays and all of our policies are drafted to offer you and your family the best possible protection and after-care.

Payments are very easy to make since everything can be automated and our team is always ready to assist with any policy inquiries you may have, now and in the future.

Feel free to contact us or visit our office if you want to know more about our policies or if you have any questions. We assure you satisfaction whether you are simply asking a few questions about life insurance or want to take out a policy.

Thank you for your time,

With regards,

___________________(Agent name) from _________________ (Company name).


Contact number


Email address

Sample Letter for Existing Customers

You can also consider this following letter for other existing clients;


_____________ (Name and details of sender)



Date ___________ (letter date of issue)


_____________ (Name and details of recipient)



Dear _____________. (Name of recipient)

At _________________ (company name) we would like to thank you for supporting our company. You have been a valued and loyal customer for _______ (years or months) and we appreciate your active participation and timely payments for a policy that is sure to benefit your loved ones long after you have gone.

We would like to offer you a policy review so your details can be fully updated and so you will be fully aware of other life insurance benefits that we have to offer.

As always, we promise timely payouts on our policies without any unnecessary problems for your family. We are also happy to assist with any further questions you may have regarding our latest policies and options.

Thank you for your time,

With regards,

___________________(Agent name) from _________________ (Company name).


Contact number


Email address

Final Thoughts

The right letter at the right time is the key to getting more policy sales and could also help you reach new customers. As long as your letter is professionally written with a formal tone and doesn’t force the client to take on any obligations they are not ready for, these letters are welcome and appreciated.

For other great life insurance advice, we welcome you to also have a look at our other helpful guides. All of these guides are specially developed to help you grow your company or achieve the best sales so you can be a successful life insurance agent.

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